Profit Recap for Week Ending |
Friday, March 30, 2018
This was a short week ending on 3/29 due to the market being closed on Good Friday. Over the span of the four trading days, there has been 15 Launches with 11 profitable and 4 loosing launches.
A second re entry on $JAG was by far the most profitable Launch this week. If you are wondering why I choose sometimes to attempt a second launch that failed the first time I can tell you that it really depends on the actual underlying stock and the price behavior. In the case of $JAG, it was the price action premarket and how the Level 2 quotes looked like two days in a row.
Overall, this week saw the $2.5K challenge get closer to the $5K mark with the addition of $43
Profit was realized on JAG $QHC $MBI $CATO $GTN $DYN $MITL $TNDM $SHLD $RUN $CHS. Loss on $JAG $YEXT $CRC $ARQL. Overall accuracy for the week was 73% and the Profit/Loss Ratio was % 110
This is cumulative portfolio growth chart that captures the profit on a weekly basis from the $2500 challenge start trading a variable number of shares per trade. This chart only contains the trades that are launched based on the Launch List published on the site. The profit growth does not include intraday day calls from our intraday alerts. The portfolio growth is based on actual entries and exits from the Launch List that are published on the site, StockTiwts, Twitter and Facebook and are traded using our SureTrader Platform. Our goal is not to brag about profits whether they are real or not, our goal is to track a winning system that generates profits based on transparent Launch plans that are published 2-5 times a week.
For this week, the portfolio gained a total of +$413.30 with the portfolio up to a total sum of $4846
Here is the latest update to the $2500 Launch List Performance Card. Since the start on 12/8/2017 122 Launches, 63.9% Accuracy with an average Profit/Launch of $0.28/Launch. On a per share basis for the challenge start to date the Profit per Share was $20.71/Share. If you multiply that Profit Per Share times the average number of shares per trade (currently sitting at about 129 shares), that will give you the total profit on the challenge so far. Overall Profit/Loss ratio was 114.90% but the Overall profit factor is 2.03 to date.