Launch List Profit Recap
Portfolio Performance

Launches To Date

Overall Profit Accuracy

Profit To Loss Ratio

Overall Profit Factor

Portfolio Growth

Important Information
The data shown above is our newest weekly summary updates for the Launch List process reboot starting on 9/29/2021. Data in the above panel is updated once a week.
Profit Recap for the Week of February 15th, 2019
Week two of the $50K challenge closed strong. Many strong moves and a lot of winning opportunities that we took advantage of. This is also the first week in a long time where our accuracy was 100%. This means that all Launches were winners. We have been extra cautious with our profit taking profit at the first sign of a pull back.
Profit Recap for the Week of February 8th, 2019
It has officially begun. A new challenge for 2019 where I am attempting to grow a $50K account to a much larger account using the Launch List Process. It took a few weeks to get everything ready as this challenge will be managed through full automation and the use of the proprietary Command Center.