Launch List Profit Recap

Portfolio Performance


Launches To Date


Overall Profit Accuracy


Profit To Loss Ratio


Overall Profit Factor

profit factor

Portfolio Growth


Profit Recap for the Week of May 18th, 2018

This was by far another record week for the $2.5K account size challenge.  With a total of 27 Launches combined with an accuracy of 89% and a Profit to Loss Ratio of 159% the portfolio continued to move forward breaking the $15K milestone.  It seems that Monday's are the choppiest days where we see the most losses and Wednesday where we have to most activity and winning.  $ARWR was a looser on Monday, but was a relaunch on Friday.  We also traded a Launch setup that was scrubbed in the past $PGTI as soon as we got the alert.  Remember, scrubbed launches are always good setups if the charts

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Profit Recap for the Week of April 27th, 2018

This was a slow week as I was busy with other house projects.  Most of the launches were from prior weeks and the only single list published this last Friday 4/27.  Despite being slow, we still ended the week in the green with 4 total launches.  Two launches were profitable $UNIT and $GNMK while the other two were losers $DBD abd $ETP.  Accuracy fell to 50% but the profit/loss ratio was 218% which is high, giving us another green week.

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Profit Recap for the Week of April 13th, 2018

After a volatile week with the $SPY jumping all over the place, the $2.5K portfolio suffered a red week with a total loss of $109.70.  This was the first week in the challenge where the share size per trade was adjusted to account for the new equity level of $5000.  There was a lot of activity on the Launch list, with 19 total launches but it seems that by the end of the week nothing has been accomplished.  This is normal in trading and you should not expect the profits just to roll in without some setbacks.

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Profit Recap for the Week of March 30th, 2018

This was a short week ending on 3/29 due to the market being closed on Good Friday.  Over the span of the four trading days, there has been 15 Launches with 11 profitable and 4 loosing launches. 

A second re entry on $JAG was by far the most profitable Launch this week.   If you are wondering why I choose sometimes to attempt a second launch that failed the first time I can tell you that it really depends on the actual underlying stock and the price behavior.  In the case of $JAG, it was the price action premarket and how the Level 2  quotes looked like two days in a row.  

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