Profit Recap for Week Ending |
Saturday, February 18, 2017
A great week with so many stocks firing off from the Launch Pad and delivering solid profits. Trending down is my accuracy and that is something I will keep an eye on over the next few weeks to better understand root cause. Although the accuracy is trending down, it still remains at a solid 60% for this week. This is actually my target zone 60-70% and this is why I only choose Launch setups where the Profit/Risk Ratio is above 100-150% which gives me some leeway if my accuracy drops even below 50%. That still makes the Launches overall profitable.
Several stock have launched and are in flight. Choose a comfortable entry for you if you find the setup to be attractive to you.
For stocks launched this week here are the results.
Profit was launched on $PSIX $FUEL $OCUL $ZSAN $PXLW $ATRS $I $HIMX $UUUU
Maximum Profit: 33%
Minimum Profit: 5%
Maximum Loss: -4%
Average Profit 5.0%
Average days holding: 3 days
Profit Taking Accuracy: 60%.